3 Must-have Experiences in Norway

People have been asking on my Patreon for years: Please make travel guides for Norway! After all, that’s my home country, right? Well, I’ve definitely made quite a few videos about Norway. You can find them on my YouTube channel.…

Redoing My YouTube Intro: Process Video

It’s been a while since I last uploaded on YouTube. But as you guys are reading my blog more and more, I feel compelled to make travel content in different formats so you guys can immerse in something other than…

How To: Street Photography in Black & White

Successful black and white street photography is not just about losing the colour, however: you need to learn to think and see in black & white, taking account of texture, contrast, and, of course, the crucial interplay of light and…

How To: Long Exposure

So Magnus, what exactly is Long Exposure Photography? I keep getting this question, and since we’re doing a series on shooting techniques, I’ll try my best to answer your question. As the name indicates, it’s a photographic style that involves using long…

New Street Photography Gear

Quick update on the Canon. The camera store said she’s gone 🙁 That camera and I went through so much together. We tried to climb the Indonesian vocalnoes together . . . I asked for a replacement, but the store…